
The 2025 Night Market will start accepting applications in March, Thank you for your interest!

Please contact for more information. 

DKA Night Market 2024 Application Form

Applications for the Downtown Kelowna Night Market are now being accepted. Please note that completion of this application does not guarantee a space at the Night Market.

The Downtown Kelowna Night Market will be held on twelve (12) Thursdays between May 30 and August 29, 2024 from 4:00pm to 9:00pm. There will be no Night Market on August 1.

The Night Market will be held within the Meet Me on Bernard (MMOB) footprint inside Kerry Park and in portions of the 200 Block of Bernard Avenue.

**UPDATE: June 18, 2024***

  • We are no longer accepting applications for June 20, July 4, July 11, July 25, August 15, and August 22, 2024.
  • We are no longer accepting applications from Mobile Food & Beverage Vendors or producers of Wine, Beer & Spirits for the remainder of the market schedule.
  • Space remains in several other categories on July 18, August 8, and August 29, 2024. 

Vendors fees for single market dates are ($65 + GST).

Standard Market stall sizes are 10’x10’; mobile food vendors are allocated a 10’x20′ stall and must fit within this space. Requests from vendors for 10’x20’ stalls will be considered and will be subject to a 50% surcharge.

Electricity is NOT available at the Market site. Generators are permitted but must meet strict guidelines for size, noise, fuel, grounding, etc.

Vendors may be required to provide liability insurance; please see INSURANCE under the Terms & Conditions for information.

Criteria to be considered eligible to apply for the Night Market:

  1. Applications will not be considered if received from:
    • political or religious groups;
    • special interest groups;
    • groups who are deemed to be affiliated with hateful or discriminatory behavior
    • cannabis, tobacco, or vape retailers.
  2. A minimum of ten (10) spaces are reserved exclusively for DKA Members. DKA Member vendors are “brick & mortar” businesses and thereby classify as re-sellers. All other vendor applicants shall be farmers, crafters, food producers, or other small businesses whose products are grown, baked, or handmade in British Columbia.
  3. A maximum of four (4) mobile food vendors will be considered for the Night Market, a minimum two (2) of which shall be DKA Member businesses. Mobile food vendors accepted for consideration will primarily be purveyors of novelty products not otherwise available in the immediate area.
  4. A maximum of five (5) liquor vendors (beer, wine, & spirits) will be considered for the Night Market, two (2) of which shall be DKA Member businesses.
  5. A maximum of two (2) registered not-for-profit organizations will be considered for the Night Market, at no charge, should there be room. 

DKA acknowledges that we are operating on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded land of the syilx / Okanagan people who have resided here since time immemorial. Therefore, we strongly encourage applications from syilx/Okanagan artisans, crafters, food producers, etc. to participate as vendors in the Night Market. 

All vendors are subject to the same criteria for consideration. The criteria for consideration to participate in the Downtown Kelowna Night Market are subject to review and change.

NOTE: We understand that applying for permits, obtaining insurance, etc. takes time. Depending on your vendor category and the type of products you sell, these documents will be required prior to your attendance at the Market. However, we encourage you to apply to the Night Market even if you are still in the process of obtaining your required permits and insurance (if applicable). 

Notification of approval of your application will take place within ten (10) business days of receipt. If approved, a request for final registration and payment will be sent via email.

Event:                                                    Downtown Kelowna Night Market
Date:                                                      Thursdays, May 30-August 29 (except August 1)
Location:                                             Kerry Park and 200 Block Bernard
Time:                                                      4:00PM – 9:00PM

Important Deadlines

Vendor Application:                  IMMEDIATE
Required Permits:                      IMMEDIATE
Vendor Fees:                               IMMEDIATE


DKA Members are businesses and commercial properties that exist within the official Downtown Kelowna BIA Boundary.

Markets will be held on the following twelve (12) Thursdays from May 30 to August 29:

  • May 30 and June 6: FULL - applications no longer accepted
  • June 13, and 20: Accepting applications
  • July 4, 11, 18, and 25: Accepting applications
  • August 8, 15, 22, and 29: Accepting applications

Please select market participation type:

Please provide the following documentation/information:



All processed foods for sale must have proper labels on all products, including information about allergens, possible cross-contamination, contact info, and expiry date (if required).

NOTE: Please ensure you have read and understand LCRB Policy Directives 15-11 and 14-11, and that all employees have a current Serving It Right Certificate.

VENDOR – SKIN/BEAUTY/SOAP (Incl. Service Providers i.e. henna artists & face painters)
PLEASE NOTE: Requirement for Liability Insurance applicable to artisan vendors only; brick & mortar re-sellers should already be registered with Health Canada and carry Liability Insurance at their business.


The Applicant hereby acknowledges that they have read, understand, and agree to the following Terms & Conditions:

  1. The Downtown Kelowna Night Market is co-produced by the Downtown Kelowna Association (DKA) and Artisans Showcase (the “Producers").
  2. All applications are subject to review by the Producers, who reserve the right to refuse any event application or registration. This includes, but is not limited to, application or registration by:
    • political or religious groups;
    • special interest groups
    • groups who are deemed to be affiliated with hateful for discriminatory behavior
    • cannabis, tobacco, or vape retailers.
  1. A limited number of vendor spaces are available; a minimum of ten (10) vendor spaces are reserved for DKA Member businesses. In the event that these vendors spaces are not filled by DKA Member businesses, the Producers reserve the right to offer these spaces to non-member vendors.
  2. DKA Member vendors are “bricks & mortar” businesses and thereby classify as re-sellers. These are the only re-sellers permitted at the Night Market. All other vendor applicants shall be farmers, crafters, food producers, or other small businesses whose products are grown, baked, or handmade in British Columbia.
  1. A maximum of four (4) mobile food vendors will be considered for the Night Market, a minimum two (2) of which shall be DKA Member businesses. Mobile food vendors accepted for consideration will primarily be purveyors of novelty products not otherwise available in the immediate area.
  2. A maximum of five (5) liquor vendors (beer, wine, & spirits) will be considered for the Night Market, a minimum of two (2) of which shall be DKA Member businesses.
  3. A maximum of two (2) not-for-profit organizations will be considered for the Night Market, at no charge, should there be room.
  4. Only one business or group is permitted per vendor stall.
  5. Market stall sizes are 10’x10’. Mobile food vendors must fit inside a 10x20 space. 10’x20’ stalls will be considered, upon request, and will be subject to a 50% surcharge.
  6. Vendors agree to allow DKA and/or Artisan Showcase employees or representatives to enter the market stall for inspection purposes.
  7. The Downtown Kelowna Night Market is a family-friendly and inclusive environment. The Applicant agrees to conduct themselves in a manner that is professional, courteous, and in keeping with a family-oriented and inclusive environment. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • abstaining from the use of drugs and/or alcohol, including tobacco and/or cannabis during the event period;
    • refraining from the use of coarse language;
    • refraining from promoting religious or political messages;
    • refraining from the use of hate speech.
  8. Animation and/or music played from vendor spaces will be restricted and must be approved by the DKA.
  9. NO PETS ONSITE: Vendors/exhibitors are not permitted to bring pets (dogs, cats) onsite or to keep them in or near their market space. .
  10. STALL LOCATION: The Producers will provide the applicant with a location within the event area and the said location shall be at the sole discretion of the Producers.
  11. ARRIVAL & SITE ACCESS: Vehicular access to the market site is restricted to two (2) hours prior to opening. Vendors will be assigned specific times to arrive for load-in and set-up, beginning as early as two (2) hours prior to opening. All vendors must arrive no less than one (1) hour prior to opening. Vendors who arrive less than one (1) hour prior to market opening will not be permitted vehicular access and will be required to carry their supplies in. Site access will be via Water Street at Bernard Avenue, and will be identified on the Meet Me on Bernard Site Access Map (to come).
  12. PARKING: Parking is not permitted within the Market site. Parking is available in any of the three City of Kelowna parkades and is FREE after 5pm, except on special event days. The DKA and/or Artisan Showcase is not responsible for parking violations incurred by the Applicant and/or their employees.
  13. SET-UP: Vendors shall complete set up fifteen (15) minutes prior to market opening.
  14. HOURS OF OPERATION: Hours of Operation of the Night Market will be 4pm-9pm. These hours are subject to change, pending a review during the season.
  15. DISPLAY: Vendor stalls are 10’x10’ or 10’x20’. The applicant will be responsible for providing their own materials and utilities (i.e., tables, chairs, tents, umbrellas, power, etc.) for their vendor space. Tenting for your space is recommended (except for mobile food & beverage vendors). Weights of min. 20lbs per tent leg are mandatory to secure the tent. Vendors are reminded to keep their stalls clean, tidy, and safe. Farm and food products should be displayed at least eight inches (8”) off the ground. Signage shall remain tasteful and unobstructive.
  16. WASTE COLLECTION: Vendors whose products generate waste (samples, etc.) must provide a garbage receptable that is easily accessible and in plain site for the customer.
  17. END OF SALES: All transactions must be completed no more than ten (10) minutes after the market closes.
  18. TEAR-DOWN: All vendors will clean up their space upon closure of the market by removing all waste products. Garbage and recycling receptacles will be provided on site. Wastewater or ice cannot be dumped of grass or plants but may be disposed of on the roadway or in storm drains. Tear-down must not commence before the market closes.
  19. RE-ENTERING FOR LOAD-UP: Market vendors will be granted vehicular access to the site no sooner than 20 minutes after the Market closes.
  20. CLEARING THE SITE: All vendors will complete tear-down and remove all items by no later than 1.5 hours after the close of the Market.
    1. Drop cloths or tarps must be used under all vehicles on site. Drop cloths or tarps must cover the surface under the vehicle from bumper to bumper.
    2. Any costs incurred by the DKA for clean-up of spilled items on brick or pavement will be charged back to the Business or group.
    3. Ice cannot be dumped of grass or plants but may be disposed of on the roadway or in storm drains.
    4. Mobile Food & Beverage Vendors must provide copies of their Interior Health Certification, Food Safe Certificate, 2024 City of Kelowna Fire Department Inspection Decal, and min. $2 Million Liability Insurance.
  22. GENERATORS: Electricity is not available on the market site; approval to use a generator is required. Generators are subject to the following guidelines:
    1. Must not be louder than 85 dB
    2. Must have built-in grounding
    3. Must be in good working condition and regularly maintained and be placed at least ten feet (10’) away from structures and out of the path of customers
    4. Must have a fire extinguisher easily accessible
    5. Gasoline canisters must not be stored next to generators, and the area around the generator must be clear of flammable materials.
  23. CURRENCY: Vendors are required to accept cash, and may also accept debit/credit for payment. KFCM "Market Bucks" are not valid at this market.
  24. LOSS/DAMAGE & SECURITY: The Producers will not be responsible for loss or damage to any property. Accordingly, each vendor shall take all necessary precautions to protect their valuables. The Applicant is responsible for their own cash, credit card and debit card security.
  25. FEES: Fees are payable online only; the DKA does not except cash or cheques. Fees are due by May 1, 2024. Failure to pay fees by the deadline may result in the forfeiture of your participation in the market.
    Refunds may be issued for cancellations received in writing with the following conditions:
    1. 30 days prior to the event: full refund of fees minus an administration fee of $25;
    2. 15-29 days prior to the event: 50% refund of fees minus an administration fee of $25;
    3. Less than 15 days prior to the event: no refund will be issued.
    4. Refunds may be issued for cancellations less than 15 days prior to the event due to unforeseen circumstances such as family emergencies, death, injury, or dangerous weather conditions.
  27. RAIN OR SHINE: This is a rain or shine event. Refunds due to inclement weather will not be issued, unless the weather is deemed a safety hazard to the general public.
  28. INSURANCE: The DKA carries a min. $3,000,000 Commercial General Liability Insurance policy for this event with the City of Kelowna and Artisan Showcase named as Additionally Insured. This insurance covers trip and fall incidents that may happen at the event, and vendors will be covered under this policy. HOWEVER: This insurance does not cover the following:
    • Food poisoning or injury caused by customers/market visitors caused by a vendor's product(s);
    • Incidents that happen within a vendor's market stall.
    • Some vendors are required to submit documentation of their own min. $2 Million Liability Insurance.
    • Please ensure the following are listed as Additinally Insured on your policy: Downtown Kelowna Association (200-287 Bernard Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N2), City of Kelowna (1435 Water St, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1J4), and Artisans Showcase (3202-26th St, Vernon, BC V1T 4V3).
  1. LIABILITY WAIVER: The Applicant hereby assumes all responsibility for all known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgements and/or claims whatsoever that may occur to any entrant, and his or her property while participating in the Downtown Kelowna Night Market and does release from liability the Producers, the City of Kelowna, and any sponsors of the event.

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