
RE/MAX Kelowna


RE/MAX Associates in particular are mindful of the impact they make locally, not just in real estate but as caring citizens. Over the years, our Associates have distinguished themselves as stewards for the betterment of their communities, concerned not only with contribution to their communities but also with the outcome of the contribution.
These qualities – known as RE/MAX Premier Community Citizenship – are a dynamic part of the RE/MAX organization. For example, RE/MAX Associates have always been among the leaders in their communities, devoting time and dollars to countless charities and local causes. Committed to their own personal charities, RE/MAX Associates and offices contribute tens of millions of dollars annually to their respective communities.

The Community Care Program is designed to help RE/MAX Associates give back to the communities where they live, work, and play.

RE/MAX understands that building a great neighbourhood starts with caring and supporting local programs and organizations that make a profound difference in everyday lives. That’s why we put our hearts, our dollars and our efforts behind a wide number of incredible worthwhile charities, right here at home.