Is your desktop computer or laptop in need of repair? Consider the guaranteed service of IQ Computers. IQ Computers provide seasoned technicians in Kelowna to ensure your laptop or pc problems are fixed! We promise to give you quality service for a very affordable price.
Why ensure the efficiency of your computer and network?
When your computer stops your expenses don’t…but your profits do! Every minute you’re down costs you your hard earned money. Poorly managed IT systems are an expense, but a properly protected and running IT infrastructure returns the dividend. Since 1996 IQ Computers has provided business owners peace of mind with professionally backed up, serviced and efficient running systems. Our Virtual IT Staff takes end to end ownership of your computer and network problems. Let us show you how to save thousands on your current IT expenses. We will check your network systems, show how to protect your business, limit your liabilities, improve your efficiencies and reduce costs. For your free custom report call 250-826-4357.
Regular maintenance is the most important step any business can make in order to prolong the life of their IT Investment. At IQ Computers, we provide inspection and maintenance of your pc to make sure that your business is running well.
Keep Your Systems Running with our help
My IT support will ensure that your computer or laptop is fixed. Through the skills of my network support technician, all your problems with your pc and laptop will be fixed quickly. We fix and repair problems for all makes and models of computer or laptop.
We provide computer and laptop repair in the whole of Kelowna, British Columbia.